Play the session recording (51 min)
Recording password: BsEDvJY7
Starting at 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT. Webinar is on Webex and login information is in the email received by CSBE members.
Effect of pre-treatment on the physical and nutraceutical properties of the puree processed from the carrot rejects and waste.
Authors: Gagan Jyot Kaura, Valerie Orsatb and Ashutosh Singha
Optimized production of a sugar-CO2 complex for enhancing bioactive compound delivery via the oral mucosa
Authors: John Weilenmann & Valerie Orsat
The effect of chemical retting parameters on the quality and quantity of the canola fibers
Authors: Vahid Sadrmanesha, Ying Chena, Mashiur Rahmana