Professional Development
Stay up-to-date with continuous professional development for engineers

This webinar was presented on April 2nd 2020. Recording is available here:
Play recording (41 mins)
Recording password: FrPAe2HK


Dear members,

Without further delay, we'd like to host the first webinar workshop for CSBE/SCGAB members.

Date: Thursday, April 2, 2020 @ 10:00 AM mountain time (noon eastern)
Format: Cisco WebEx
Duration: 1 hour, including Q & A
Topic: Introduction to QGIS
Presenter: Keith Duhaime

Synopsis: In this webinar, attendees will be introduced to the QGIS open source Geographic Information system. Attendees will learn what separates open source software from proprietary software, the benefits of QGIS over proprietary alternatives, what additional tools are included with QGIS, its learning and support environment, and the software ecosystem that exists to extend its functionality and interoperability. Attendees will also be introduced to the user interface, and some simple applications will be demonstrated. Time will also be allotted for questions for attendees to explore specific aspects of the software.

Joy Agnew will give a brief introduction to the webinar series and the rationale for hosting the webinars at the beginning of the session, then Keith will take over presenting duties. The webinar will be recorded and will be posted on the CSBE/SCGAB website within a few weeks of the webinar date.

If you would like to attend the live version of the webinar to take advantage of the opportunity for Q & A, send a note to Joy Agnew (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and your email will be added to the official invite. Alternatively, you can log on using the following credentials.

Meeting number (access code): 629 515 399
Host key: 182795
Meeting password: nqWFGHaj595

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this Webex service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. You should inform all meeting attendees prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting.