Canadian Academic Programs
Get a degree in Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering
University of British Columbia

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers accredited programs leading to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering and to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering. Environmental Science and Engineering and Sustainability principles are integrated in individual courses and in dedicated specific technical electives.  

University of Saskatchewan

Biological Engineering: Protecting people, animals and the environment

Biological engineers ensure that we have the necessities of life: safe and plentiful food to eat, safe water to drink, clean fuel and energy sources, and a safe, healthy environment in which to live. More specifically, biological engineering is the application of engineering principles to address challenges in the natural resource sciences, which include the fields of agriculture, food, biotechnology, ecology and biomedical.

University of Manitoba

The Biosystems Engineering program at the University of Manitoba will equip engineers with the knowledge necessary to solve engineering problems involving biological systems. The program is accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. Students may choose to complete an Agribusiness Minor or one of three Specializations (Biomedical, Bioresource, or Environmental), and have the opportunity to participate in the co-operative education program.

University of Guelph

Programs in Biological Engineering (B.Eng, MSc, MEng, PhD); Environmental Engineering (B.Eng, MSc, MEng, PhD); Water Resources Engineering (B.Eng, MSc, MEng,PhD);

B.Eng has Co-op and regular programs.

See: School of Engineering

University McGill

at McGill’s Macdonald Campus

Bioresource Engineering is the application of biology and technology to develop sustainable solutions. Bioresource engineers improve the health and diversity of the biosphere, provide the world’s population with food and renewable resources, and are helping to shift the global economy to a biological platform.

Université Laval

Génie Agroenvironnemental et Génie Alimentaire

Le baccalauréat en génie agroenvironnemental de l’Université Laval est un programme multidisciplinaire qui a pour objectif de former des ingénieurs capables d’appliquer les principes d’ingénierie à la production et à la transformation des produits agroalimentaires dans une perspective de développement durable. Ce programme est accrédité par le Bureau canadien d’agrément des programmes de génie. Il permet aux étudiants de se démarquer en tant qu’ingénieur par leurs compétences appliquées à un secteur particulier: l’agroenvironnement.

Faculty of Agriculture in Truro and Faculty of Engineering in Halifax, both at Dalhousie University, offer engineering programs.

School of Sustainable Design Engineering

UPEI’s School of Sustainable Design Engineering (SDE) offers a progressive and innovative four-year Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering degree. Students are exposed to a broad base of knowledge and skills in engineering science, natural science, mathematics, and complementary studies.

Academic Programs